
Nature Photos from Finland

Nature Photos from Finland

  • Winter, Spring

    •  God has created a great and fine natural
    •  A little history of Finland and the home town of Varkaus

    Here is Finland

    Here is where the Huruslahti were killed during the civil war
    Here is where the Huruslahti were killed during the civil war
    • In this landscape in 1918 was the Finnish Civil War. Huruslahden frozen lake people were executed brutally. Red and whites fought with each other and whites won. What was ultimately better. However, the brutality of both sides of  the was cruel. Red huruslahden was put on ice in a row, men, women, children. And they shot. It did not matter whether a woman, child or man.
      •  War is cruel
    • Finland's history is full of wars 1323-1945

    This is Huruslahti lake in summer
    This is Huruslahti lake in summer

    Here is where the Huruslahti were killed during the civil war

    Pähkinäsaaren peace 1323 at the frontier that ran through Varkaus where I live

    Why this belong Yeshua and my believer in life? Because sometimes God want us to feel each other's history in which we live and the environment. Environment and history  affects our lives.


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